Cellulite Treatment in NYC
The Beauty of Confidence
Finally! A treatment that is safe and effective.
No more cellulite treatment gimmicks.
$100 OFF for New Patients.
Cellulite treatment is one of the most sought after cosmetic treatments for women around the world. Studies have shown that up to 90% of women have cellulite at some point in their lives and that the great majority of women seek effective treatments.
Thankfully there are now excellent treatment options that are both safe and effective for the treatment of cellulite on the buttock and thighs. Our favorite cellulite treatment is Avéli, a minimally invasive procedure that treats the root cause of cellulite- fibrous bands that pull down on the skin causing dimples. For patients that do not have dimples but instead have cellulite in the form of rippled, loose, or lumpy skin we offer a combination of Emtone and biostimulatory injections.
At our office all Avéli treatments and injections are performed by Dr. Arash Akhavan. Cellulite treatment is one of his favorite procedures because of the joy experienced by patients when they compare their before and after pictures. We invite you to take a look at some of our amazing results in our Before and After gallery below.
Minimally invasive procedure.
Requires local anesthesia.
Minimally invasive procedure with Avéli device.
Removal of cellulite dimples.
Avéli results can be permanent.
Up to 2-3 weeks of mild to moderate bruising.
What makes us the best choice for Cellulite Treatment in New York City
- All Avéli procedures and injections are performed personally by board-certified dermatologist, Arash Akhavan, MD. This ensures that your provider has the highest level of expertise possible for cellulite treatment.
- Dr. Arash Akhavan has been at the forefront of advancements in cellulite treatment in New York City for over a decade. We were the first practice in the City to offer Cellfina and Emtone when they first came out many years ago, and we were one of the first clinics in the world to offer Avéli when it was approved for use a few years ago.
- Dr. Arash Akhavan is a nationally recognized expert in cellulite treatment and has been highlighted numerous times in the media on television, print, and online.
- Dr. Akhavan has led the team at The Dermatology and Laser Group in New York City for over 15 years and has been a member of the prestigious faculty in the Department of Dermatology at The Mount Sinai Medical Center for over 17 years. He has been recognized as a New York Magazine Top Doctor and awarded as a Castle Connolly Top Doctor every year for over a decade.
- Our cellulite treatment results have been spectacular and our Before and After images have been extremely popular online and on social media, as well as medical conferences around the world.
- We only offer treatments that have been proven effective in scientific studies and published in medical journals.
Cellulite Treatment Options
The Dermatology and Laser Group has been at the forefront of cellulite treatment for over a decade. Dr. Akhavan is amongst the first physicians in NYC to offer effective cellulite solutions such as Avéli and Emtone, just as he was with older cellulite treatments such as Cellfina and Qwo.
Avéli is our favorite procedure for treating cellulite dimples. It is a minimally invasive treatment that targets the fibrous bands beneath the skin that cause dimpling. It is a safe treatment with effective and usually permanent treatment of dimples.
Cellulite does not always present as dimpled skin. Some cellulite presents as rippled, loose, and/or lumpy skin. The best device used for people with this type of cellulite is Emtone, a device that combines Radiofrequency (RF) and Targeted Pressure Energy (TPE) that smooths fat and improves collagen and elasticity in the skin. Dr. Akhavan has been a national leader in using Emtone for cellulite treatment.
Biostimulatory Fillers
Biostimulatory injections like hyperdilute Radiesse, Sculptra, PRP, and exosomes are injected to stimulate collagen production, providing longer-lasting results for loose or rippled skin. We combine these injections with Emtone to produce impressive improvements in skin texture that lasts longer than Emtone alone.
Outdated Procedures
We no longer offer procedures such as Cellfina, Qwo, and Cellulaze as newer technologies, like Avéli and Emtone, have proven to be more effective and safer alternatives.
Cellulite Treatment
What is cellulite?
Up to 90% of women have cellulite and studies show that the majority of women want effective cellulite treatment options. Thankfully in recent years, there have been some new innovative procedures that have become available.
Cellulite Facts
Cellulite most commonly presents as dimples or depressions in the skin, most common on the buttock and thighs of women in their 20’s-50’s. Given that up to 90% of women have been shown to have cellulite, it is important to remember that cellulite is the norm- it does not need to be treated. That being said, studies show that up to 85% of women with cellulite say that it negatively impacts their life, and the majority want an effective option to treat it.
Anatomy of Cellulite
The main cause of cellulite is changes in fibrous bands called septa that tether the skin to structures below. When normal, these bands are necessary and good, keeping the skin smooth and attached to underlying structures. Sometimes these tethers can harden and shrink, pulling down on the skin above and causing dimples. In other instances, these bands degrade and weaken the attachment between the skin and underlying structures causing loose skin that appears rippled or wavy.
How Does Cellulite Treatment Work?
For cellulite dimples caused by thickened and constricted septa, Avéli is the best treatment available. It surpasses previous options like Cellfina and Qwo, becoming the primary choice for long-term cellulite reduction.
Avéli is an FDA-cleared, one-time treatment designed to reduce dimpling on the buttocks and thighs. It precisely targets and releases the fibrous bands (septa) that cause cellulite without affecting the healthy bands that support the skin. The procedure, which takes about an hour, uses local anesthetic for a painless experience and delivers impressive, lasting results by addressing the root structural cause of cellulite.
How Does Cellulite Treatment Work?
For cellulite dimples caused by thickened and constricted septa, Avéli Cellulite Treatment is the best option available. It is both safer and much more effective than older options such as Cellfina and Qwo, becoming the primary choice for long-term cellulite reduction.
Avéli is an FDA-cleared, one-time treatment designed to reduce dimpling on the buttocks and thighs. It precisely targets and releases the fibrous bands (septa) that cause cellulite without affecting the healthy bands that support the skin. The procedure, which takes about an hour, uses local anesthetic for a painless experience and delivers impressive, lasting results by addressing the root structural cause of cellulite.
What to Expect During Cellulite Treatment
An Avéli cellulite treatment session typically takes about an hour. First a local anesthetic is applied to ensure comfort. The Avéli device is then inserted beneath the skin and Dr. Akhavan advances the device towards the fibrous bands causing cellulite. Once the source of the cellulite dimples is confirmed, Dr. Akhavan uses the Avéli device to release the cellulite causing bands. Using the Avéli device he then checks to make sure that the fibrous bands causing the cellulite are gone before concluding the treatment.
What to Expect After Cellulite Treatment
After the procedure, you may experience some mild bruising and swelling in the treated areas, which generally subsides within 1-3 weeks. Patients can return to their normal activities following the procedure, although it’s recommended to avoid strenuous exercise for up to a week if there is discomfort. The results for our patients have typically been permanent, with smoother skin visible within weeks and improving further as the swelling reduces. We have had patients bikini-ready just 2 weeks post treatment. You can see examples of some minor bruising 2 weeks after Avéli in our Before and After gallery.
Cellulite Treatment Mechanism of Action
Who is a candidate for Cellulite Treatment?
The best candidates for cellulite treatment are women aged 18-55 years old with good skin elasticity and texture. The best candidates for the Avéli cellulite treatment are women with distinct dimples on the buttock, posterior thighs (back of thighs), and lateral thighs (outer thighs). For patients who want to smooth and tighten skin anywhere on the body including the buttocks, thighs, and abdomen, Emtone and/or biostimulatory injections are the preferred choice.
Frequently Asked Questions
The best treatment for cellulite depends on the type of cellulite and location. For the improvement of cellulite dimples on the buttock, back of thighs, and outer thighs, Avéli is always the best option. For rippled, loose, and textured skin anywhere on the body our favorite choice is the combination of Emtone and biostimulatory injections.
The cost of cellulite treatment will depend on the amount and type of cellulite and the exact treatment that is selected for you. We will decide on the best treatment course together during your consultation and can give you an exact quote at the conclusion of the consultation. You can also contact us for an estimated cost to treat your cellulite ahead of your appointment. We could provide you access to our HIPAA secure portal to send us images of your cellulite.
Treatments like Avéli offer long-lasting, and usually permanent, results by directly addressing the structural cause of cellulite. Emtone requires frequent touch-up sessions, anywhere from once a month to once every 3 months. Adding biostimulatory injections to your Emtone treatment can make the results last much longer- as long as 12-18 months in some cases.
For treatments like Avéli, typically only one session is required. However, non-invasive treatments like Emtone may require multiple sessions for optimal results, as well as frequent touch-up sessions.
Dr. Arash Akhavan and The Dermatology and Laser Group have been at the forefront of cellulite treatment for over 15 years. Dr. Akhavan is a nationally recognized expert and educator for cellulite treatment and a frequent contributor to the media. Our office always offers the most cutting edge treatments that we can customize based on individual needs, ensuring the best outcomes with advanced techniques.
In The News: The Dermatology and Laser Group
Some of Our Cellulite Treatment Press
Dr. Arash Akhavan and The Dermatology and Laser Group have been leaders in introducing Avéli Cellulite Treatment to the public and Dr. Akhavan has been featured in the national press discussing the procedure. He was interviewed for Byrdie, where he described the FDA-cleared cellulite treatment in depth. Dr. Akhavan was featured in Marie Claire discussing if Avéli was worth it as a procedure for cellulite removal. You can also find a very thorough question and answer session about Avéli with Dr. Arash Akhavan with Modern Aesthetics magazine.
Video of Dr. Arash Akhavan Performing Cellulite Treatment on Fox5 News
This is our page for patients who want to learn more about having cellulite treatment at our office.
The page is medically reviewed by Arash Akhavan, MD, board-certified dermatologist, and founder and owner of The Dermatology and Laser Group in New York City.